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How can stem cells relieve your back pain?

Avoid Invasive Back Surgery

We specialize in the non-surgical treatment of a wide range of back problems.

There are now many excellent non-surgical procedures to successfully treat back pain. Harness the power of your body’s innate healing to naturally repair and regenerate. Avoid long rehabilitation and risks of surgical complications and post-surgical pain.

Treatments Offered:

Hear from our
Medical Director

Janet D. Pearl, MD, MSc


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Have you considered all the non-surgical treatments available for your back pain?

We can treat your back pain using state of the art procedures, avoiding back surgery, post-surgical pain, and long rehabilitation periods.

Patients who see us have usually already seen one or more Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, trainers and Medical Specialists such as Neurologists, Physiatrists and Orthopedic Surgeons or Neurosurgeons. Despite these efforts, their back troubles continue.

Conditions Treated:

Why does our back not
heal itself ?

Degeneration often occurs in areas of the body where there is a low blood supply and oxygen, such as the intervertebral discs, intervertebral joints, ligaments, and tendons. Poor blood flow leads to failure of the body to heal prolonging inflammation, joint cartilage and disc breakdown, bone spur formation, and further degeneration.